KinderGrid™ generates interactive crossword puzzles for children who are just beginning to identify letters and words. Each puzzle it builds is original and unique. It utilizes a spelling train, spelling out loud, animated letter carriers, error correction and sound effects to help children learn to fill in small crossword puzzles (6 words). Additional features include French and Spanish words, the printing of “coloring book” pages, and online help. Toll Free Ordering: Visa and MasterCard orders may be placed by calling Laser Point at (800) 894-6758 Electronic Mail Registration: You may order a copy of KinderGrid by sending the following information to - Name of product: KinderGrid1.0 - Visa or MasterCard Account Number - Card Type (Visa or MasterCard) - Card Expiration Date - Name of card holder - Address include zip code Postal Mail Orders: California residents please add 8.25% sales tax, orders will be returned if tax is not included. You may send cash or checks, drawn in U.S. funds on a U.S. bank, to: Laser Point KinderGrid Registration P.O. Box 2378 Watsonville, CA 95077 CompuServe: CompuServe customers may wish to use the CompuServe Shareware Registry. GO SWREG and register product ID 11360. This program is the copyrighted work of Vivian Gordon. All rights reserved.